Intelinair - Makers of AgMRI - IL,USA

Computer Vision Intern
Object Detection and Segmentation
- Worked on Object Detection and Segmentation Pipeline to count the number of kernels in a corn to determine the yield of a corn field.

Carnegie Mellon University – Cylab - PA,USA

Short Term Scholar
Computer Graphics and Systems
- Built a robust simulator based on OGRE 3D Engine using C++, simulating different sensors, for General Motors.
- Implemented various algorithms to simulate the effects of weather conditions, traffic signals and pedestrian on Ego vehicle.
- Built an XML parser tool based on ArcGIS and OpenStreetMap to populate roads of any city into the sim for realistic environment simulation.

International Institute of Information Technology - Hyderbad, India

Research Intern
C++, Python
- Worked on 3D modelling of Warehouse maps for testing Navigation Algorithms.
- Developed the object detection Pipeline for the autonomous warehouse cart based on TensorFlow Obstacle Detection API with ROS and Realsense D415.